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Biological Physics 

  • PHY 325 / PHY 625, Biological Physics I, (Fall 2022) (see flyer below for details)

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Introductory Physics Courses

  • PHY 201 SCALE-UP**, University Physics for the Sciences I, (Spring 2023, Spring 2022)
    Integrated Lecture, Discussion and Lab. Mechanics, Thermal phenomena, Fluids, Waves.

  • PHY 202 SCALE-UP**, University Physics for the Sciences II, (Fall 2021)
    Integrated Lecture, Discussion and Lab. Electromagnetism, Optics, and Modern physics.

  • PHY 102 SCALE-UP**, College Physics II, (Spring 2021, Spring 2020)
    Integrated Lecture, Discussion and Lab. Electromagnetism, Optics, and Modern physics.

  • PHY 101 SCALE-UP**, College Physics I, (Fall 2020)
    Integrated Lecture, Discussion and Lab. Mechanics, Thermal phenomena, Fluids, Waves.


**SCALE-UP stands for ’Student Centered Active Learning Environment with Upside Down Pedagogies’

- a modern teaching technique that specifically promotes active and collaborative learning, and has been adopted in many institutions worldwide.


© 2020 Prakash Lab, Department of Physics, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL

  • Prakash Lab @ Miami
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