Prof. Prakash's talk in the Living Histories Series (November 2024)
Prof. Prakash explains the "Physics of Coffee" in a University of Miami video (April 2024)
SDB Choose Development! Fellow Amaya Crichton describing her summer research in our lab
My seminar talk in the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering at the University of Miami:
"Fascinating biomechanics in simple marine animals" (22 April 2022)
My talk at the virtual Biological Physics & Physical Biology Seminar (BPPB) seminar series:
"Ductile-to-brittle transitions in the tissues of a simple animal" (29 January 2021)
See why we are excited to study an ancient, extraordinary animal - the Trichoplax adhaerens (2018)
This video on starfish larvae won the Milton van dyke award at the APS-DFD Meeting, Portland (2016)
See other entries and winners here:
This video won the New Journal of Physics (NJP) "Video Abstract Prize" 2013 (based on a world-wide voting competition).
The video is a 5-min summary of our NJP article: Vivek N Prakash et al 2012 New J. Phys. 14 105017